this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
35% H
2 (hydrogen peroxide) is extremely painful, takes a bit of
experience to use !
most sunbeds are designed for tanning and not vitamin D , so are no good !
thyroids are impossible to find in birds !
if those birds (ed. pheasants!) have been shot with lead ammunition, make sure to find all the bits of lead in the carcass, I use solid copper bullets for that reason when hunting !
steel buckshot is ok and I cook in a stainless steel pressure cooker
the compendium promotes the use of teflon coated cookware and deprecates cast iron !
what is life ?
what is life ?
a correspondent writes
I'm still recouping from a pretty bad flareup on sunday last (5 days ago) after foolishly using some magnesium sulfate
Basically I've got brainfog that's going away very slowly, an aching left knee and light throb in the right cheekbone, and stuffed ear-to-throat canals
(as far as I understand, that's annoyed lymph nodes)
Blast.. blastedness.
Any pointers on clearing up this sort of things is welcome.
the real important thing is continuing even tho slight improvement, the bad news is when it is getting worse !
the compendium has a
section on hydrogen peroxide which is a strong immune stimulant and having put a drop of 35% HP in my ear once, i can say it's an unforgettable experience
:o)( !!!!!!!!!!!!
the 3rd case of the blue cliff record is one of the most beautiful bits of writing in zen
Great Master Ba was seriously ill. The abbott of the monastery asked him
“ Master, how are you feeling these days? ”
Great Master said,
“ Sun-face Buddha, Moon-face Buddha ”
that's such a wonderful clear space of understanding and detachment about himself and his life, you only get that with celibacy I am afraid !
the point is for that beauty you have to devote your life completely to what this about, married with kids cannot and really the failure of zen practice now is no better illustrated than the crowds of zen practitioners with family and relationship responsibilities loudly proclaiming through their usual clichéd nonsense that you can do two very difficult things at once !!!!!!!!!!!!
there is no expectation in the zen and chan histories of lay people developing much understanding, you can quote layman pang, but he became penniless and his children died ............... hardly encouraging
the proof of the pudding is the vain repetitious numbskullness that comes out of zen now, none of the beauty of sun face buddha, moon face buddha anywhere !
nathan replies
Believe what you want to, but liberation isn't bound by forms
my reply
“liberation” is voynich and a form ! any one can write something of course, a screen doesn't cry when rubbish is written on it..................
dear andrew,
we will all become penniless and die.
my reply
kogen , you don't have any value of yourself as “ special ” , that specialness resides in your natural talents and not the conformance to a social construct like zen !
you just need to get more functional, a suitable partner can/is helping with that !
everybody has their own agenda, women, centers, (religions!) you me, parents ................... it's very hard to get some space in that and sort out what zen is about ! :o() / :o ( ) (( )
dear andrew,
we will all become penniless and die.
my reply
kogen , you don't have any value of yourself as “ special ” , that specialness resides in your natural talents and not the conformance to a social construct like zen !
you just need to get more functional, a suitable partner can/is helping with that !
everybody has their own agenda, women, centers, (religions!) you me, parents ................... it's very hard to get some space in that and sort out what zen is about ! :o()
it's actually quite an interesting
problem , life has so much error that if you spend your life deconstructing it, you know it's like a pin hole in the sea and fills immediately again so what do you do?
the sort of meiji zen attitudes current today tries to deal with it by being anti-intellectual and basically ignoring everything, blinkers basically
I think my own conclusion is that there is no answer or resolution and like charles bukowski said, one just writes f o r e v e r
in Buddhist terms that life is literally suffering with no resolution..............
this is what I like about brad warner actually he'd be about the only zen teacher to accept this “ everything is failure ” underpinning to life...............
sorta maxfield parrish
photo taken by john de
susan writes
The glycemic index is a problem for me because I react to it a lot differently than most people
my reply
susan, the glycemic index is nonsensical because it doesn't reflect real world digestive conditions, I think better indexes are being worked on but I haven't seen anything likely to be useful yet !
susan replies
I have found the
insulin index much more helpful, as I find I do react to foods more along those lines
The only problem is there isn't enough food on the lists I can find to be able to put together a good diet where my blood sugar remains more steady
Heaven forbid I do any exercise, because that only drops it more!
my reply
what i find is that blood glucose is strongly modulated by a number of factors, particularly fats, oils, dairy cream and protein are useful to flatten out the blood sugar peaks of the large amounts of pasturized fruit i can eat !
wow, that's actually really
significant , the cell that makes
GLP-1 is an intestinal cell, so if you have biofilm damaging the intestinal wall then production of this hormone is going to drop off and consequently insulin ! no wonder so many diabetics have a big gut :o)
my grandfather did for sure !
the compendium and BCD gives you a flat gut !
“ GLP-1 appears to restore the glucose sensitivity of pancreatic β-cells, with the mechanism possibly involving the increased expression of GLUT2 and glucokinase. GLP-1 is also known to inhibit pancreatic β-cell apoptosis and stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of insulin-secreting β-cells. In addition, GLP-1 inhibits gastric secretion and motility. This delays and protracts carbohydrate absorption and contributes to a satiating effect ”
what i have noticed is i have gone to just using the afp-pep once a day unless i drink some heated milk which i also put it in
my basic protease protocol now is to take an afp pep and bromelain capsule once a day each mixed separately in about 55ml of water
and also a daily carb protocol of two zyme prime and two no fenol mixed in the same say 60 ml of water which is alife saver and actually seems to obviate the need for the occasional candex to clean out yeast !
my opinion a major source of diabetic trauma is from bad microbiome damaging the intestinal L-cells dropping GLP-1 secretion and hence giving low insulin and beta cell responsivity !
so there may be two phases to using afp-pep, an intial stage where the dominant factor is the reduction of malign bioflm/microbiome so the
inhibition of glp-1 by dpp-iv is secondary to the need to stop microbiome damaging or poisoning the GLP-1 making cells, so afp-pep needs to be used in more substantial amounts and a secondary stage with a healed gut when the use is more prophylactic and use limited as per the way i do it !
i thought you might be interested in
what i have noticed is i have gone to just using the afp-pep once a day unless i drink some heated milk which i also put it in
my basic protease protocol now is to take an afp pep and bromelain capsule once a day each mixed separately in about 55ml of water
and also a daily carb protocol of two zyme prime and two no fenol mixed in the same say 60 ml of water which is alife saver and actually seems to obviate the need for the occasional candex to clean out yeast !
which in my opinion shows (hints lol depending on your standard of evidence ! :o) that a major source of diabetic trauma is from bad microbiome damaging the intestinal L-cells dropping GLP-1 secretion and hence giving low insulin and beta cell responsivity !
so there may be two phases to using afp-pep, an intial stage where the dominant factor is the reduction of malign bioflm/microbiome so the inhibition of glp-1 by dpp-iv is secondary to the need to stop microbiome damaging or poisoning the GLP-1 making cells, so afp-pep needs to be used in more substantial amounts and a secondary stage with a healed gut when the use is more prophylactic and use limited as per the way i do it !
to some-one of your scientific background, this is probably all abit speculative, but my body is my lab ----------------- an eternal in-vivo :o)
on a different note i was shocked to read several months ago of kxyz's death late last year, a very sad event for all those who came to know her, even if only on the web in my case !
( ed. scroll down to the next section for more discussion on glp-1, insulin and the microbiome ! )
Hi Andrew;
Yes, we get calls from those who take DPP IV inhibitors because of diabetes. The DPP IV found in supplements would contribute little to the overall systemic concentration of circulating DPP IV, since the enzyme supplements stay primarily in the gut.
I'm not sure, but I suspect the blood DPP IV and gut DPP IV are slightly different, as their function in the two tissues is different.
Bromelain and omega-3 combo greatly help the arthritis in my fingers.
Effects are easy to reproduce: if I don't take it, my hands hurt.
I, too, am intrigued by the potential of gut bacteria! Influencing the species in gut may be a way of treating many disorders, including those of psychological nature.
Kxyz passed last December, almost a year ago. I still have no details as to what happened, but it is very sad given that she left 2 teenage boys behind.
Hope Spring is good for you in Tas!
my reply
thanx for your reply, kxyz died of breast cancer, at the risk of being rude i think her husband wasn't much use so for many years kxyz had been carrying a double burden in terms of family function which i think contributed to a few errors of judgement !
i have seen who you would think very sensible women make poor choices in terms of life partners !
lol, damn those easy to reproduce effects !
1000 iu a day of the blackmores vitamin D3 ( an australian brand - it has the preservative sodium sulphite in which i feel vitmain D needs as it is perishable ) and the use of my homebuilt broadband UVB lamp brought my shoulder back to functional from being crippled by arthritic damage
interestingly the sun/uvb on the skin doesn't just make vitamin D but also other anti‑inflammatory compounds !
i also take fish oil, but in addition, recently i have started taking two capsules a day of the new “ eco krill ” by blackmores which have given outstanding results, especially mental acuity (lol always aproblem with me :o), what's special about it is the “
MSC certification” which i am sure has a process that greatly reduces the oxidative damage to the krill oil as it is processed and stored !
it's honestly like day and night for the brain anyway !
regards andrew
ceo of himself and not much else ;o) ( ) (
the lymph nodes going down is very encouraging, they don't lie :o)(
feeling wired can be a virus, biofilm build up (not die off) or not enough vitamin C
you may have to get into pasturizing fruit, say 63C? you need a digital cooking thermonmeter for that
it pays to leave a gap between eating yogurt and taking magnesium taurate, but on top of that there is likely a problem (ed. queasy stomach!) with unreacted magnesium in the cardiovascular research formulation !
yeah always experiment with very low doses for anything new !
i think you need access to very good quality farm milk to make yogurt making worthwhile !
“ My blood pressure is coming down – I’m taking the lowest doseage daily with a view to coming off it permanently when I feel that I can do so ”
well that's great! although it's not targeted to lower blood pressure i think the
compendium and BCD does have a very very strong
reducing effect ! :o )(
enzymes are important to you, but you have heaps yet to do in terms of diet etc !
that's actually really significant, the cell that
GLP-1 is an intestinal cell, so if you have biofilm damaging the intestinal wall then production of this hormone is going to drop off and consequently insulin ! no wonder so many diabetics have a big gut :o)
my grandfather did for sure !
the compendium and BCD gives you a flat gut !
“ GLP-1 appears to restore the glucose sensitivity of pancreatic β-cells, with the mechanism possibly involving the increased expression of GLUT2 and glucokinase. GLP-1 is also known to inhibit pancreatic β-cell apoptosis and stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of insulin-secreting β-cells. In addition, GLP-1 inhibits gastric secretion and motility. This delays and protracts carbohydrate absorption and contributes to a satiating effect ”
illys, low GLP-1 could be you !
Andrew Levin, are you mentally ill?
my reply
you look a bit abnormal yourself, i don't lose any sleep over it and neither do you ! :o)(
the problem with yeast is when it is alive and able to breed in the gut, or there are spores that can likewise breed in the gut !
so in the case of the GTF yeast chromium, they feed it chromium then kill it, in theory it shouldn't need pasteurizing after that but I find it necessary
I have tried chromium polynicotinate , it's ok but lacks the punch of the yeast chromium !
I haven't tried the picolinate but a friend takes it and seems to be doing ok on it !
but who knows ?
so there's just a lot of depends, like selenium yeast I find no good and eating yeast in bulk as a nutritional supplement is putting a lot of nutrients that yeast like in the gut so feeding them, whereas the amount of yeast in the chromium yeast is not much and not a problem !
chrom (III) hydroxoide is inorganic and not suitable, I use a
chromium yeast (GTF) which I pasteurize to about 58C is my preferred option, but chromium picolinate may be ok and is more readily available
any seaweed is BCD/SCD illegal
one of the problems with water based iodine solutions like lugols is the very high rate of evaporation of the iodine, so as you use it the strength declines rapidly !
pasteurizing is taking the fruit or other food up to a temperature of about 58 to 72C depending on whether you just want to kill yeast (58) or really knock bacteria (72) tho I think 68 does ok for most bacteria !
200 iu? of vitamin E is problematically large though might be called for if you have a large oxidizing event like bad sugar spike !
I don't see any nutritional advantage in the bovine spray-dried blood serum albumin and there is a possible disease risk !
“ Remineralization, mineral balance and neural support are some of my main goals ”
goals are for the mad :o)
interesting, came across this
study that says bis-maltolato oxo vanadium is the most
anti-diabetic form of vanadium !
“ If this hypothesis of cumulative sleep reduction resulting in neuronal loss is confirmed, then clinically [children with autism] might gain from even a small consistent increase in total sleep time ”
i think this applies to everyone !
sepehr g. asks
Can I have your opinions on fermented foods, such as kimchi, kefir, kombucha, or etc. I remember you said to eliminate fermented foods in your BCD diet. May you please explain why?
well they basically have uncontrolled cultures in, for example kefir can be quite high in ecoli !
a correspondent writes
Ok, does zinc induce malicious yeasts to die off in intracellular fluids scroll the body outside the gut?
I ate nothing carb (1-3 hour bg spike) or extra fat-heavy (7 hours digestion time), or protien-heavy (normally 2hours d bg spike), but developed a BG of 15 (norm 3.5-7) @6pm 3hours after taking 15mg zinc glycinate. The high happened without any food, and during an hour of walking about in the mall and carrying a 10kg backpack
I was working on the last day of a particularly stressful school project, but the high BG happened in the hours /after/ all the work, and my food intake was a weak homemade fruit and ecological lemon smoothie with no sugar (4hours before high BG started), a tea with milk thistle seeds and dandylion root (5hours before the high), .5 liters of live whey (2hours before the high). Lunch was homemade vegetable soup, no grains, and ~15 grams protein @1pm, which was properly bolused for
( ed. susan brady comments: whey is not carb free - it does a job on my bg. 0.5 liters would have had about 25 g of carbs )
I pulled off the idiocy of using MgSulfate on Sunday and had a huge flare up, I'm sticking with compendium-only recommendations from here on out
Reached the conclusion latest year that my amalgams managed to overwhelm body alkalinity in my case a long time ago, allowed the microfilm development, and the malbiotica artificially heightens my BGs at every turn, because they exist outside the gut
i'm not fond in general of the glycinate mineral chelates, tho the molybdenum bisglycinate is good !
15mg is a lot, I take about 5mg of the L-optizinc once every two, three or four days !
what may have happened is that the glycinate form of zinc increases insulin resistance somehow and the high dose did that in spades, or you had a mild die off and the toxins released interfered with insulin function
zinc is actually a bit poisonous, the effects are not all beneficial !
one of the problems of the compendium supplementation is it requires quite a broad based implementation of it because it is a tried and tested balance of minerals, like zinc needs to be balanced up with copper......................
what exactly is live whey? whey can be very problematic in terms of feeding biofilm and I presume the whey you drank is a culture which can also be problematic ?
the fruit smoothie is likely also biofilm spore rich (unpasturized !) and what the effect of the milk thistle seeds and dandylion root tea would be i cannot guess, but if the herbs where really bioactive that could have been significant !
i see milk thistle seeds and dandylion root are supposed to lower insulin resistance, well the flip side of that is when they wear off you can get rebound effect the opposite way !
also you have to be very careful of herbal stuff that there's no mercury in it !
india and china still use mercury, lead and arsenic medicinally !
“ After fish (white fish and oily fish) the foodstuffs associated with the highest mercury blood levels were herbal teas and alcohol, with wine having higher levels than beer. The herbal teas were an
unexpected finding and possibly due to the fact that herbal teas can be contaminated with toxins ”
i actually need fruit pasturized, i'm not saying everyone needs that !
the trouble for you is the sugars in pasturized fruit hit the blood stream much more rapidly !
i think this is informative for you, i would guess that you have a severe insulin resistance problem, it's not simply the lack of insulin so it's worth looking at chromium asap i'd say !
don't be too distressed, this is the real process of diet and supplementation, things have to go wrong to see where the way is to going right !
the compendium recommends specific mineral chelate forms, the effects between the different ones are super significant, day and night, dusk and dawn.............. :o)
my reading is that zinc is supposed to help lower insulin resistance, you could try say 5mg of the zinc glycinate and see how that goes !
you really are in the experimental area of tailoring supplements to suit yourself, just low doses and try and judge the effect !
maybe even only 2 .5 mg of the elemental equivalent of the full glycinate (1/6th of your full 15mg zinc glycinate capsule or tablet !?)
the theory of the biofilm/microbiome diet is very simple, the conventional gut model says we eat food and it is digested by enzymes secreted by the pancreas which is true but leaves out............
that we have an intelligent biofilm/microbiome monster barely under control in the gut and when the immune system isn't up to controlling it, then rather than let it eventually kill us, we can modulate that biofilm/microbiome with the removal of slow digesting long chain obfuscated sugars e.g. grains, potatoes and gums, and taking various supplements and enzymes !
of course there are alot of other things like pasturizing, removing toxic artificial colours and preservatives, and taking supplements to stimulate immune function and anti‑cancer activity, promote lower insulin resistance and generally aid health !
compendium is a collaborative process, but it is mainly with the constant stream of very good research on
eurekalert !
what I found is like your experience on the cure zone; is most, like 99.9% of people are too confused and don't get it right enough to be useful, there are exceptions of course !
I used to be much more involved in message boards like enzymes and autism and the iodine board and even this board which I have deliberately imposed a sort of gate asking people to read the
agreement on the front page
link which seems to get rid of the 101% ! :o)
but what I found is the more sense you talk the more they react against you so one ends up getting banned and moderated which is not illogical, most of these people are very poor problem solvers or they wouldn't be in the pickle they are in !
also the effect of illness is usually to greatly reduce cognitive capacities !
input from others is welcome, i'm not guaranteeing to put it up but the compendium is full of others experiences if you look!
a quote from “ Early
Ch’an in China and Tibet ”, page 119
The state of mind is lucid and pure. As contemplation becomes increasingly lucid, and inner and outer become empty and pure, the nature of your mind becomes utterly tranquil just like this.
Although the nature [of your awakened mind] has no form, inner constancy always exists.
The mysterious spiritual power is never exhausted but always shines clearly. This is called your Buddha-nature
Those who see their Buddha-nature (chien fo-hsing) are forever free from [the stream of] birth and death, and are called “people who have transcended the world” (ch’u-shih-jen).
The Vimalakirti Sutra says: “Suddenly you regain the original mind” Believe these words!
he never said that !
a translator said he said that from a text which is claimed to be by him, if he ever existed !
do you see the problem ?
there is no state of mind, lucidity and pureness is for the deluded !
contemplation swirls between clarity and obscurity, where would tranquility be in this process?
those who see Buddha nature, lament their departure from it !
there's quite a few different zens, the one mainly known in the west is not zen at all but a political/nationalist construct from the meiji era in japan !
the real zen is celibate and not anti-intellectual at all, the cleary brothers translation of the blue cliff record is the best introduction to this much more authentic zen !
the real zen is identical to the christian mystics Catherine of sienna, john of the cross and Teresa of ávila and maybe even the modern mother teresa blended in abit :o)(
“ go to a doctor ”
well actually a skin specialist which is expensive and involves a wait , isn't it way better to develop the skill to be able to fix it yourself?
people used to have remedies for this stuff themselves, why have things become so dumbed down that one always has “to see a doctor” !
researching on the net can bring you up to the doctors skill level anyway, it's just knowledge !
gp's can be well off the mark, you really need a skin specialist !
in life the only qualification is getting it right..........
I have had similar conditions and got good results with 35% hydrogen peroxide, but it is painful and needs a of bit experience to use properly :o)
haven't been to a doctor for many many years........... :o)
you might be interested that there is a lot of discontent among doctors about the very poor quality of training they receive, a lot of stupid rote learning that dulls the mind , so much so they never want to do any learning again which is why medicine is usually ten years behind current research !
yeah I agree skin biopsies are useful as are other tests which is the intelligent use of medicine, but if it was me I would be trying 35% hydrogen peroxide first amongst other things like a limited topical application of colloidal silver !
try some 35% hydrogen peroxide on a small
portion so you learn about the pain and “frothing” then maybe a larger portion, it works really well for prickly heat and similar conditions !
it revs up the immune system as well as breaking the “stealth” of the infection !
I use the douglas labs magnesium taurate, for headaches/migraine, you might need a tablet a day, but I use half !
it's good for the heart too !
not a 100% solution, but i'll take 70 :o)
donating blood too can help by getting your iron levels down, but you may get a rebound headache about three days after the donation!
there's bad bug going round, the worst i have had for a while which wasn't helped by me sunbathing for the two days following when i was intially infected but had no symptoms, it took four days to really take hold and on the fifth i can't keep any food down !
i had to cancel a blood donation appointment !
still i am robust and surviving ok !
it could be a type of bird flu or have some of those genes, i can see if i was 80 it could kill me !
interestingly both sa'di and miguel de Cervantes spent substantial periods of their lives as slaves and it really colours their writings, an inner coherence, yet laughing in a robust way at the absurdity of life !
the milksops in zen these days who start crying at the slightest contradiction!
yeah sitting
kills is the result of recent research and really has implications, I always try and get up and walk every quarter of an hour on the computer, I seem to be lucky and have a natural timer that makes me move !
well hubris is a relative term, more like we have different areas of hubris, I certainly have huge issues with this as well !
I generally put the more important stuff near the top of any heading in the compendium, in fact it's a practical doing thing so really as you start to implement it, it becomes clearer !
it's not really rebuffs, just the advantage of a lot of practical experience in certain areas like I have done project management and computers among other things for a fair portion of my life so know how these things go............
if I make a criticism it's from personal experience..................
I do think you sort of use the collaborative approach as a sort of stim, like cure zone is a collaborative approach and need to weigh way more and develop your own experience and trust that more !
it's a distressing and weird world that always snaps back on one ............
I think you are expecting to understand the compendium and BCD without having done it enough and get the body feedback as well which is important, this is a life problem solving skill that people today are in denial about and don't understand
you would find it helpful to understand yourself as being on autistic spectrum and in fact are really a sort of high functioning AUTISTIC, you have been able to communicate with me, but the deconstructive nature of my thinking and writing freaks a lot of people out !
the female approach to men, something to manipulate, use and abuse
the female approach to men, something to manipulate, use and abuse !
the female approach to men, something to manipulate and use
the female approach to men, something to manipulate and use
a very effective
ad with some lovely enya/roma ryan music and lyrics !
“ and who can say if your love grows where your heart chose, only time ”
in zen terms this is the stop before enlightenment, where things are not quite deconstructed enough, that is where the money and artistic talent is
enlightenment is the next step, that grindingly dissonant level of deconstruction that flattens all before it and leaves
the beautiful wasteland ..............
a very effective
ad with some lovely enya/roma ryan music and lyrics !
“ and who can say if your love grows where your heart chose, only time ”
in zen terms this is the stop before enlightenment, where things are not quite deconstructed enough, that is where the money and artistic talent is
enlightenment is the next step, that grindingly dissonant level of deconstruction that flattens all before it and leaves the beautiful wasteland..............
CMS is for a collaborative environment, you are not looking at that what I do works (ed. this website!) and is not hugely burdensome in terms of maintenance !
your middle name should be HUBRIS, have I said that before?
the real need is not software but people competent in what the compendium and BCD are about.............
any real skills and not bullshit are bit short on the ground, like someone who can write html 5, but again I do everything because of the complete incompetence of what else is around :o()
people can't even read apparently :o()
you need to escape the trajectory of metabolic dysfunction that you are on, once you do that then you have skills to offer.............
you also need more of an income for supplements and food, that actually is your outstanding issue, you need income !
you have got problems, don't try and solve what are not problems for the BCD etc !
yes andrew levin does everything :o()
years ago i gave up and basically i just do notes for myself, maybe a bit more and stick them up on the web !
it was the same with elaine gottschall everyone ran her ragged for what was basically volunteer work, just grashing/grasping mentally limited fools and bullshit artists, but that's life and the way humans have always
wether it's zen, neo-adviata nonduality or health it's just rats in sewers who bite sharply when discomforted !
they way most people operate is not to give energy but suck it and bank it for themselves !
the point of medical tests is to identify problems, once you have a good idea of a problem and there's lots of things you can do to remedy that, then it's better to focus on changing diet, taking suitable supplements etc !
I have seen people endlessly test to what point?
see medicine is the remedy of last resort, there's no medications without severe side effects in this area (ed. auto-immune) so they are the last stop, not the first !
people seem to have very little idea on the importance of being able to do without medications if you can, there's a huge quality of life difference !
autoimmune conditions are systemic, if you fix things individually from a symptom point of view it's hopeless !
women have a particular problem with the decline of the hormones
one of the best things that can be done in that case is go on
HRT , the cancer risk is complex and has loopholes, for instance it really has be started within a year or so of menopause to keep the risk down and some degree of
iodine and selenium supplementation may be needed
I think that the original specialist you went to had a few clues and it would pay you to mend your fences with her, the better doctors often have poor social skills ! you have an over benign view of medicine and what it can do for this sort of thing but that's for you to find out !
your best protection is to research in depth on the web !
i have opened up a bcd and scd thread on
not a replacement of
this board on yahoo, just interesting to see how it goes
to date reddit seems quite open minded, not the usual “truth by conscription” approach in the health board arena !
The Biofilm/microbiome Carbohydrate Diet, Specific Carbohydrate Diet and the Compendium Supplements discussion
thread on reddit !
both these diets are based on the notion that digestive problems come from gut bugs getting away and you can change what you eat and supplement to control this problem, so let's see if there is any interest in them !
I don't think it matters what you are doing, just as long as you are doing it mindfully and without expectations
is that why most people who do zen come out more stupid than they went in ?
you have high anti-nuclear antibodies and very low vitamin D !
so presumably you have arthritis and other problems relating to autoimmunity ?
you could try 1000 iu a day of a quality vitamin D3, also get some intense sun in summer on the skin as it makes other immune suppressing factors besides vitamin D
we are evolutionarily designed as an offal eating species so
mcrib has at least got that part right !
shingles can come out when the skin is consistently moist like in a humid climate and I guess exercise, so maybe it's that in combination with the back exercise/workout causing spinal trauma !
urinate into a jug and smell the urine. if you have been eating fruit it can be normal to smell sweet, but normally it shouldn't !
if you are game, taste it, this is how doctors used to diagnose diabetes before tests !
chromium is one of the best things to reduce insulin resistance
yeah the blurry vision does sound diabetic !
you are doing too much and should back off and look at what you can do with supplements like chromium and the diet like trying the biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate
diet !
people don't understand that diabetes screws the brain as well, with poor cognitive function you have lost everything, so give this matter all your attention and don't rely on medicine too much !
when you exclude, you are a buddha fart and not the buddha eye !
when you exclude, you are a buddha fart and not a buddha eye !
well herb deer is a surprise, (swinging?) from the (maudlin?) nonsense of reincarnation to talking
sense !
illys asks
Has anyone made/is there available a simplified and sorted BCD foods table anywhere online or indexed in our group sorted between the idiot-creating and the idiot-eliminating foods?
Thanks, would make life a breeze for this relative newbie!
at this end , doing this for so many years it only looks more complex ! :o)
the BCD is in a large part a modernization of Elaine Gottschall's specific carbohydrate diet
so the illegal/legal
list of scd pretty much is the same for the BCD, there are differences tho covered in this
Elaine gottschall said the way she presented her diet in terms of illegal/legal foods was because it was the only way that she found that people could handle it, you know the female need for no thought and life to be a breeze :o)
the reality is there is an endless depth of to and fro and plus and minus and with the web one can enter that by providing a more of a discussion based approach as per the BCD !
all the years that have passed, but the trees look the same !
dave st. germain writes
Checked out Herb's page; be careful out there, especially with regard to former military wackos
In the end, do you see that it's not worth the trouble? Isn't the beach at Ulverstone enough?
I'm curious about your time at Mt.Tremper, which you haven't really written about. You wrote something insightful before about the job of the teacher being to create the appearance of a gap between them and the student. Why were you kicked out of there?
I've started to read two arrows meeting in midair which is a bit of a snoozer so far, but I'll get through it eventually
I've ordered Tarkovsky's book, Sculpting in Time – very much looking forward to digesting it, and inspired to make a film again
yeah i am being careful, he may well have a form of gulf war syndrome which messes the brain up as well!
the trouble is “trouble” always seems to find me, can't seem to help it :o()
i don't know quite what i said that so upset him, maybe it was about herb's and my brains being so shot and full of holes that buddha and god walk through them?
he (the ex military guy) is very damaged but has a rah rah “save the world” approach to life, maybe he was shocked to think that human damage can be the presence of god/buddha/infinity?
doesn't fit with his world view, anyway he went off like a rocket at my writing !
i didn't approve of john loori and he (john) could see it and dissenters are dangerous in cults !
john had plenty of strengths but there was a strong schizophrenic streak there, a very intelligent man he knew how to put one over which unfortunately included himself !
i am really starting to think of zen in the west as a “seduction club” , john went through plenty of women in his life tho it was (basically?) monogamous, herb deer is in the right place being a sex addict for sure as part of that maezumi lineage !
i haven't quite worked out why charles ringling went over the top like that, something really upset, like herb he desperately needs to pay attention to things like chromium and get that insulin resistance (and high blood pressure in ringling's case) down, but again these zen types are very conventional and not rebels at all under the skin and i have noticed people locked into conventional medical paradigms don't like it being pointed out that if they take some supplements and make intelligent changes to their diet (NOT the usual medical dietary nonsense) they would do a heap better !
john would have lived longer except for his asbestos exposure in the navy and smoking of course !
it seems abit unfair to have a life cut short like that, but actually compared to how long he might expected to live when he was a youth, he didn't do too bad !
the problem with a wiki is the compendium and bcd is not really a collaborative process, people just seem unable to think straight in health matters !
i will weight message board discussions and emails over a while and integrate info into the website where relevant !
what i have noticed over the years is that people who do a bit of the compendium and bcd get an improvement and then use that new health to step out and do something they have always wanted to do and it's a disaster, it can be so bad like they never fully
recover from !
i cut the fat off lamb chops i buy to get lamb fat to help me with sleeping, butchers will have it too, i really prefer fresh fat to reduced, i am surprised you are finding beef fat to help with sleep, but whatever works :o)
herb eko deer seems to have woken up and
writes (ed. starts november the 15th 2013)
your inappropriate trolling is not welcome by anyone as you have already seen by all spiritual masters you have irritated to the point of exclusion. i feel for you with some appreciation for whatever diagnosis you have, and so have more patience than most.
perhaps your aspergers/pseudo narcissism/ bitterness is too far gone to participate in such an 'exchange', I'm willing to give it a try, but if you have nothing to offer your readers then you can probably still see that good boundaries are just as important as good tolerance, probably the best lesson for you to start to learn is how to interact rather than project and irritate.
my reply
lol, you mean brad warner ?  please read what I said about
comments , you are just reacting and actually haven't understood what was said !
there's no boundaries in zen I am afraid, there's an intelligent stepping over in so much as such a thing can ever be controlled to that or any extent.
buddha /infinity is outside the boundaries and always on the furthest edges of our comfort zones............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
woe is me, i have aspergers syndrome, full fledged narcissism ( please :o) , none of this pseudo business ! ) and certainly get very bitter :o(
actually my brain is shot like your's herb, it's the holes in both the grey and white matter that buddha walks through :o)
in response to popular demand, both your comment and my reply are now up on my most recent writing page, you can't get fairer than that can you ! :o)
that's not the deal
herb, Buddha/infinity makes my deals (not very fair actually) not people like you who only have a very incomplete understanding of zen
if you have any sense and you have to date had this much, you will not ban me, but take on board what i have to say and grow with it, it's a free service and the cost is borne by me and not you
it's a big help to understand there's no money in this, really there's not, it only costs, so why not get it right rather than get stuck in the usual quagmire of calcified ideas, plain stupidity and misaligned egoism ?
or you can ban me and no doubt you and people like corey will wax lyrical on how you really need to preserve your "safety zones" and how it's for my own good and they are of course being compassionate, only this is an exception :o)
ask jeff foster :o)
herb in the end we both make a call as to our being right and the other person not, I wish I was abit less right about zen and more right about other things, but them's the breaks !
a note on charles p
ringling who is a neighbour and friend? of herb deer and a gulf war veteran who served on the
harry w. hill which would explain a few things !
it's hard to believe what the synergistic toxicity of pesticides and the
anti-nerve gas agent pyridostigmine did !
not a single court martial for criminal negligence either !
god the harry w. hill had
asbestos in too !
he claims to have sophisticated hacking skills, which i don't think he has, but his threats are a strong factor in my leaving posting on herb's facebook page, but herb does have a family and there's no question that my posting affects his potential ability to earn an income from zen tho imo zen is really a volunteer activity these days, particularly there are no young people coming through and i don't think zen syncs with generation x, y or z and modern media at all actually
so charles p. ringling of san diego has made a couple of threatening posts to which i replied
send me some ricin Charles ! honestly what has zen done to you that you spout that sort of nonsense ! all upset over the notion that your understanding of zen is wrong ! don't know any koans where the masters behaved like that? trolling indeed, you look to be the monster hiding under the bridge with your threats !
are you an evangelical or pentacostal christian charles?, I attended some talks by iverna Tompkins once in new zealand, I really quite liked her ! properly understood zen is not different from mystical christianity ! except for the absolute belief aspects iverna is zen so I can't see that you have any real excuse, love thy neighbour seems to extend to threatening people when your feathers get ruffled !
herb I think you are tired, you don't seem to have picked up what I said about a handcoded pages and how if asked, I will put up peoples comments !
in a way what goes on here is irrelevant if you don't work on the health issues, I have seen it again and again, people just decline over about 8 or 9 years and then in one form or another they are pretty well out of circulation. I have a lot of health writings on the various subjects
if you want to give immediate feedback you can comment on the 7th patriarch zen
blog !
it's very hard to know when we are being helped, i run into this same issue all the time, if my posting is taking bread out of your and your families mouths say so and i will stop, but i bet it's just like anyone else involved, all volunteer work and costs heaps in time and forgone income !
i don't sleep well and i had some of the usual metabolic issues that one gets being on autistic spectrum, there is quite abit you can do about it, only don't see a naturopath, they are very wrong minded
why do i think i am wasting my breath?
the health pages get a reasonable readership, but my poetry and writings, like it's practically nobody, maybe three or so people or even less on average ?
bit weird, should have started it younger, it's the joy of writing and not for money or fame that's for sure :o()
charles, very new research is saying that in a major part, alzheimers is related to insulin problems in the brain, apparently insulin does quite abit in way of other sorts of functional signalling, not just bussing sugar into cells.
do a search on type 3 diabetes ! in addition you might find this
herb i am bit slow on the uptake, but basically you are asking me to leave and i do understand that my posting being so deconstructive does effect your prospects of gathering a “congregation” so to speak and you are of the opinion that there are some financial prospects for you in that !
my opinion is it's pretty hopeless because neo advaita/non duality has taken the potential zen audience, but you having that view it's best to let you explore it to find out !
so it's taken all this for me to stop posting, which is usually the way i work, so from this point i won't post, if you have any concerns you can state them in this thread (ed. facebook) and i won't reply, or email me
these writing pages I hand code myself, it's not like wordpress, the layout is quite finely tuned in html as well as being very speedy cause I write so much, so any comments/new material has to be coded in by myself which actually I have got down to a fine art and can do quite quickly !
one thing I have learnt with the web, the more content the better, it's not like paper, screens are free, or at least paid for by the reader and not the writer :o) ( )()
summer's here ! (17th november 2013)
so out
sunbathing (had a quick rinse to get the sweat off before going out !) from 1.31 to 1.50 with an average uvb intensity of 69 iu/minute (using the solarmeter 6.4) and with a fudge factor of say 2.1, that's 19 minutes x 69 x 2.1 = 2753 iu !
solar noon (67.7°) is at 1.05 and the sun angles at 1.31 and 1.50 are 66.9°
and 65.4° respectively
in other words, well into the good stuff !
i have owned a 6.4 solarmeter for many years now, but this is the first time i have tried to relate the iu/minute reading to what iu i might have accumulated in a sunbathing session, i try to relate the amount to how i feel with a thousand iu capsule of vitamin D from blackmores so that's how i came up with the fudge factor of 2.1 !
though i have a very fair skin and don't tan easily it can be quite oily so i think i have the vitamin D making ability of a darker skin that tans more easily !
the solartech vitamin d
meter is one of the best investments i have ever made !
sitting (ed. zen) is not going to do you any good if you remove sensible posts !
sexual abuse requires a culty environment and censorship is what makes a cult !
how people can do zen for so many years and so lack any sort of introspective insight into themselves or life is utterly beyond me !
even the simple ability to discuss disagreements constructively rather than knee jerk reactive removal !
all your thinking is about modifying the external world to suit your idea of how it should be !
( ed. well that hit the nail on the head,
she removed the post ! )
this is not the place for arabesque, please be concise and to the point !
flowers are for gardens, this is work !
high salt intakes are crazy, just use what you feel you need, in my case it's not very much at all !
there is no relation between chlorine as part of the Zoloft molecule and body levels of chloride !
vitamin c, is best done in very very small doses and rose hip powder I found problematic ! not sure what the problem is?
ala is a chelator and mobilizes mercury destructively, on the other hand I think it helps regenerate the islets in the pancreas, but I think there are better ways to do that without getting the damage from the mobilized mercury which is super significant !
brad warner/pirooz kalayeh, you have restricted your
movie to an audience that likes that so called music, in other words what was potentially quite agood and interesting movie can never do well because the music forces your audience to what is now an aging and senile subculture
in fact the problem is more deep seated because you both get up in the morning, put on your blinkers and keep them on for the rest of the day
) ( ) (( )
the review
brad warner/pirooz kalayeh, you have restricted your
movie to an audience that likes that so called music, in other words what was potentially quite agood and interesting movie can never do well because the music forces your audience to what is now an aging and senile subculture
in fact the problem is more deep seated because you both get up in the morning, put on your blinkers and keep them on for the rest of the day
brad warner/pirooz kalayeh, you have restricted your
movie to an audience that likes that so called music, in other words what was potentially quite agood and interesting movie can never do well because the music forces your audience to what is now an aging and senile subculture
in fact the problem is more deep seated because you both get up in the morning, put on your blinkers and keep them on for the rest of the day
you are doing almost everything wrong !
i mean the yeast on the skins of fruits and berries !
your gut can't control yeast, that's the problem !
the homemade ACV (apple cider vinegar) will also be a problem !
the only yeast i have is one with chromium in and i pasturize it to about 62C, a digital cooking thermonemeter is very useful !
i would suggest yogurts with bifidum in are a problem as it is a colon and not stomach bacteria !
it's way better to get chromium as a supplement as per the compendium than drink beer or wine which have chromium in but are both full of biofilm spores !
the BCD proscribes alcoholic drinks !
you have one of the highest levels of natural incompetence and hubris in supplements i have ever come across !
we are all different with different strengths and weaknesses, some realism about what we not good at and the necessity to put work into the right areas is necessary !
you need chromium, the compendium does not recommend bakers yeast !
please read up the compendium on chromium, they have to feed it to the yeast to get enough into the yeast to do any good !
also the problem with bakers yeast is you are eating large quantities of the nutrients that yeast like !
every man and his dog has blood sugar problems these days, it's not just you and chromium really reduces insulin resistance !
do you have fresh lamb fat available, you need immediate help with sleep !
drinking some baking cocoa in the morning can create a little tired crash about bedtime !
curezone (deathzone !) is a nightmare, i stopped posting when the moderators just started removing my posts for whatever reason their stupid minds thought of !
all of the real troublespots on the web informationwise censor !!!!
i am banned or moderated on all the healthboards, including pecanbread/scd and the enzymes and autism board whose original owner died last year from breast cancer, they all reject what helps them and spend their time meandering in toxic fantasies !
i have a write up on
simmering the alcohol out of wine
“ of course this only happens through burning off bad karma points by being miserable while continually struggling to be nice ”
my reply !
once is enough for me !
herb, is also known now as type three diabetes , both share the same protein folding problem, you a rebel? can stick with the conventional medical paradigm, I notice that zen types do, but your brain death is written all over this page !
you are fantasizing about reincarnation when you should be researching your health !
my comment
herb has to take insulin, alzheimers is also known now as type three diabetes, both share the same protein folding problem, i have been recommending
chromium to him, but he's already too far gone ! ?
it's almost impossible to take
magnesium as a supplement, the only one i recommend is the douglas labs magnesium taurate !
if you could find a fully reacted magnesium chelate that might be ok (ie no inorganic magnesium left !) , but i have yet to find one !
the magnesium malate form is a bit biofilm/microbiome feeding so i don't use it !
sleep has to be approached from a number of different angles. like abit of fresh lamb fat before bed I find useful !
strontium is a bit brutal, you need a good cardiovascular system, but it's really a case of experimenting !
folapro is very good for knocking down homocysteine and helping with sleep
this stuff does have a certain cost, it can't be avoided !
there's no real cheap way I am afraid, but the doses used in the
compendium are very low and what is bought lasts along time !
the exception is the
enzymes which do cost and need to be used in quantity !
sleeping twice a day also can be very helpful !
strontium is an exception to the rule that minerals must be chelates as are calcium, lithium carbonate and iodine !
you can get strontium renelate through prescription to build bone strength i think, that might be ok !
the solaray papaya-plex is no good, unspecified enzyme activity and has the scd illegal mannitol in
in other words it probably doesn't do much and will feed microbiome to boot
the recommendations of the compendium are the results of many years trial and error, 99% of supplements, like 99% of health advice are useless or have opposite to the intended effect !
the compendium recommends candex and the houston afp pep, zyme prime and no fenol
i wonder if the nestlé baking cocoa would be a suitable substitute ? (ed. for the nicotine in cigarettes !) I have it with warm milk occasionally, it's a strong stimulant and way healthier than cigarettes !
baking cocoa has no sugar and the highest phenols so it's really the best way to drink chocolate !
bit of a crash when it wears off though :o()
don't go cold turkey on smoking, you have to taper down !
the chlorine in
zoloft is intended to poison the function of very specific enzymes that catabolise serotonin which is why it works to the degree it does, of course this supposedly specific action is not that specific which is why it has significant side effects ! :o)
high doses of
vitamin D also have a complex effect with some suppression of the immune system in the short term !
I can often wake up with a sore throat after a high dose of vitamin D the day before !
you mean
niacin versus nicotinamide ?
niacin is the flushing form useful for those with circulation problems or an anti clotting remedy if taken immediately after a stroke
nictoinamide, is the non flushing and usual supplement form, not much difference between them except the flushing action I think !
the problem with co-Q10 is it feeds biofilm, no question it's a useful supplement, but if it feeds biofilm/microbiome then it's a trap !
co-Q10 really helps those with mitochrondrial insufficiency migraines as you might expect, but if the biofilm/microbiome toxins fry your brain................. !
i know this one because i have a relative caught in this trap, the more complex but low biofilm route of the compendium doesn't register.................
dave st. germain writes
It sounds like you missed an opportunity to feature in this
Maybe you can have a cameo in Adam Tebbe's masterpiece...
yeah a ghastly caconophony of self indulgent twaddle !
well not all twaddle, but the music/noise ragged/rags !
adam has a strong natural talent........................ brad has peaked
and it's not a very high peak !
yesterday on dusk i had a cameo walking along ulverstone beach, several minutes of the light and sand and vista across the sand back to the heavy/thunder clouds in the distance towards and over the asbestos ranges.............
it's enough :o)( : o )(
sometimes i
dave st. germain writes
It sounds like you missed an opportunity to feature in this
Maybe you can have a cameo in Adam Tebbe's masterpiece...
yeah a ghastly caconophony of self indulgent twaddle !
well not all twaddle, but the music/noise ragged/rags !
adam has a strong natural talent........................ brad has peaked
and it's not a very high peak !
yesterday on dusk i had a cameo walking along ulverstone beach, several minutes of the light and sand and vista across the sand back to the heavy/thunder clouds in the distance towards and over the asbestos ranges.............
it's enough :o)( : o )(
sometimes i
schizophrenics :
you are all stuck in the parallel illusion, so my approach looks cynical, but it's not !
you are all stuck in the parallel illusion of life, so my approach looks cynical to you, but it's not !
you're all stuck in the parallel illusion of life, so my approach looks cynical to you, but it's not !